Today is one of the most historic days in Cincinnati broadcast history. Okay, maybe not….but I’ve managed to keep
your attention for one sentence longer.
It was on this date, 25 years ago, that “Mt.
Jacor ” went on the air
and I was the first regular announcer to broadcast from that legendary (or “notorious”?)
facility. Honest injun.
After working a year, part-time, at Warm98 in 1987, my
wonderful boss, Tracy West, was "dismissed" and I started to look for someplace
new. My fulltime job was at WVXU, but I
wanted to keep a weekend presence on commercial radio. On October 10, 1988, I was hired by Kathy
Lehr as a weekend, overnight, news anchor using the name “Mike Morgan.” Those first few weeks’ newscasts originated
from the dingy, dated WLW studios in a building on Fourth Street downtown but I was well
aware that new studios in Mt.
Adams would soon be
It was an interesting job.
The downtown studios were dark, decorated in mid-‘70s furniture and
yellowed with nicotine stains. The
studios were separated by glass windows and the news booth was cramp. Studio B, for talk shows, had curtains and they
were often drawn shut for the nights Bill Cunningham had “The Fun Girls” on and
my imagination reeled as “Sudden Sam” ran the board in the control room.

That very first night I immediately experienced what would be one of the
downfalls for Mt.
Jacor : the parking garage
was full and I had to find a place on the street. The reason quickly became apparent when I
entered the WLW studios and found the place full of happy people dressed in elegant
dresses, expensive suits and holding cocktails.
I went about my business making final preparations as, by then, midnight
was quickly approaching. With minutes to
spare, I entered the polished, new news-booth and waited. At midnight exactly the switchover
occurred. One of the station bigwigs (I
can’t remember if it was the GM at the time or someone from Jacor but
definitely NOT a regular on-air person) expressed a few appropriate remarks
now lost to the ages (I don’t think the affair was recorded) and then he ended
with: “…and now let’s resume regular programming!” At that point every well-coiffed head and
drink-sipping suit turned and stared through the glass and into the news booth,
occupied by a quivering, rookie newscaster who, I’m pretty sure, stumbled over
the first few words of his news-copy.
After that, the party pretty much ended and the tipsy folks bid farewell
and, gradually, departed. By 12:30 am,
10/22, it was just me, either Dusty Rhodes or “Party with Marty” Thompson, and
a few wayward engineers cleaning up.
And that’s my brush with immortality. I worked there the better part of a year and, boy, do I have a few stories which I'll save for a later post! Thank goodness for the blog because it gives
goofballs a chance to share memories of which very few care except for the one
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